Let’s face it… Facebook is a power house and you know you need to be on it.
Here are my 10 favourite tips to help you make the most of your Facebook fan page to help you grow your business.
1) Make sure your page is properly optimized: Use the pieces that Facebook gives you to your advantage. They are there to help you not cripple you. So use the cover image space, change it up daily, weekly, monthly if you want, just make sure to follow Facebook rules around these parts.
2) Use your “about” section wisely: This is a prime bit of real estate… use it to drive people to your website, put a call to action in it, change it up as often as you’d like as well. Keep it fresh.
3) Ask current clients to like your page and share it with their friends:This allows you to engage your current clients and keep them up to date and it allows you to connect to new people through their introduction.
4) Set up a custom page with an opt in box to grow your newsletter: This really is the best way to build your list. Create a fabulous offer that the people in your niche are dying for, offer it to them for free in exchange for their email address and boom your list grows!
5) Post engaging, interesting content daily: Don’t be all about you. Post content that resonates with your target audience, ask questions, post pictures, share inspirational quotes… and then occasionally slip a sales piece in the mix.
6) Use the search box to find other local to you businesses to connect with: Make sure you are using Facebook as your page, click in the search box and put in the name of your city (include your province), click search. Pages will come up that are within that area that you can like as your page to build relationships and connections. Try a bunch of different terms and see what comes up.
7) Check your pages newsfeed: Now that your page, likes other pages… check the newsfeed daily to see what they are saying and to see how you can contribute. Don’t make it all about you… don’t ask them to like your page or share your great offer, be interested in them, add value to their post and let the relationship build organically.
8) Add a Facebook like box to your website: This might take a bit of work so you might want to get your website person to do it. You can create a Facebook like box in the admin panel of your page. Code will be generated that you can then add to your website. It will show up on your website with the number of people liking it and people can then like your page from your website in one click without leaving your website.
9) Know who you are talking to and who your target market is: Be clear on who your message is for and then talk to that one person. Be friendly and engaging and really focus on your ideal client when you post. Speak in a way that connects with them.
10) Engage your connections: People love to be involved and will be happy to help. Ask them questions, use the question/poll option to get their opinions, include them in your business decisions (ask their opinion), seek feedback and ask them to like, comment and share your posts.
Try these tips and let me know how they went for you in the comments below, I always love to hear what’s working for you.
For more: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
To your Facebook success,
Sherri-Lee Woycik
Follow Sherri-Lee Woycik on Twitter:www.twitter.com/socialmediamndr